Invisible Children

Last night at Open Door, we were blessed and challenged by an amazing work of art, film, and dance called “Flip the Script”.  Stephanie Thiel was inspired to choreograph Flip the Script after first learning about The Invisible Children – children in Northern Uganda who have been abducted and forced to fight for a madman’s rebel army.  When I was a senior in college, I wrote a paper for my Religion and Human Rights class about Joseph Kony and the LRA, and the horrific things they do to children.   But, last night’s presentation by Stephanie and the other dancers coupled with the clips they showed from the Invisible Children film broke my heart.  Seeing an artistic representation of such real pain brings the terror of it home in a way that simply writing a research paper can’t. 

If you haven’t seen it yet, get the movie here. Also, on top of supporting Invisible Children , look at SOS Children’s Villages as another organization that’s doing a lot to help the rescued child soldiers.  And because we know that prayer is our first step in battle against such evil (2 Cor 10:3; Eph 6:10-20), please pray for these children! Pray: 1) that Joseph Kony would be freed from the demonic influences that have brought led him to do these things, that he would be arrested, and that the LRA would cease in its war against the Ugandan government; 2) that the children who have been abducted and forced to fight for the LRA would begin the process of healing psychologically, physically, and spiritually; 3) that God would bring peace to northern Uganda! 

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